Swimming Pool
Ozone is the only powerful oxidizing agent for swimming pools. The natural and biodegradable ozone completely reduces the consumption of chlorine. Treatment of pool water with available chemicals such as chlorine is highly hazardous to health. Ozone has to be replaced in the place of chlorine and other chemical disinfectants. Ozone provides a clean, odorless and healthier pool which does not cause red eye or skin irritation.
Improvement in quality of pool water is attained by elimination of chemical content. Swimming pool water pollution is mainly caused by swimmers. The pollutants can be divided into three groups Microorganisms, organics and solid particles.
Each swimmer carries a large number of microorganisms such as bacteria, virus which can cause disease. Organics come from urine, sweat, and saliva which contain ammonia, urea and amino acids. These react with chlorine and form chloramines which irritate the eyes and skin. Solid particles are due to skin flakes, hair and dust.
- 100% chemical free pool
- No eye and Skin irritation
- Crystal clear bluish water
- Feels like spring water every time
- Broad spectrum pool sanitation
- Bacteria kill rate is up to 3000 times faster.
- 50% stronger oxidizer than chlorine.
- Reduces traditional chemical use between 80% – 90%.
- Reduce handling and storage of unsafe chemicals.
- No formation of dangerous by-products.
- Eliminate red, irritated eyes and dry, itchy skin.
- Remove unpleasant chlorine / chloramines odors.
- No adverse health or environmental effects.
- Improvement of the filter and coagulant capacities. This leads to a reduction of coagulant use and less back washing of the filter is required.
- Internationally most accepted for swimming pool application.
- More effectively destroys Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, and Algae & Spores.
- 1.33 times more powerful than chlorine.
- 3,100 times faster than chlorine.
- Ozone has a micro-flocculation property.
- O3 destroys organisms such as phenols, pesticides, herbicides & PCBs.
- Oxidizes inorganic substances such as cyanides, sulphides & nitrites.
- Oxidizes soluble ions & manganese.
- Removes Colors.
- Removes Odors.
- Operates bet. pH 6 to 9.
- No eye irritation.
- No skin blackening.
- No harmful Disinfectant Byproducts (DBPs).
- If ozonated water is swollen, it is not dangerous.
- Environmentally friendly Gas.
- Waste (Backwash) water does not require any treatment.